Friday, June 6, 2008

Why Gays CAN be Christians

Woo child! This video caused quite a bit of a stir. People do not like having their beliefs challenged. They know things a certain way and they do not want to hear that it might be another way. Some do not tolerate differing beliefs.

This video was created to show people that there IS another valid, educated view on this subject. There IS a religious left. Gay people who want to be Christian should know that God made you gay and loves you unconditionally.

The Bible is not clear on the subject due to corrupt translations and interpretations on the matter.

This was a difficult video to condense into 10 minutes. Please use this video as merely an introduction to this concept. Read for yourself:

What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel A. Helminiak., Ph.D.
Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America by Mel White.

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